How our site works...

We sell pre-loved, new & custom embroidered items on this site. If an item is pre-loved it will be listed as such online and in-store for your shopping convenience. We ship new and pre-loved in store items within 3 business days and customized items within 10 business days. We also have online exclusive items which means we do not keep them in stock year round but our vendors still have the item in stock and we can get it for you. Please see individual item for estimated shipping times. Items listed as online exclusive are not available for in-store pick-up unless you want to have them shipped to the store instead of your house. Please pay attention to the estimated shipping time referenced on the product page and plan accordingly as some vendors have a lengthy ship time. Lastly we offer pre-orders. These are items that are in the manufacturing process and cannot be shipped until the manufacturer release it. This time can vary and will be listed on the product page. In short, online exclusives and pre-orders are not the same thing. Online exclusives are ready to ship and pre-orders will ship after the product is finished being made. Shipping is free over $75 within the USA. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest product launches. As always we sincerely appreciate your support of our small town dream and Happy Shopping!
